Original Characters

I really love making OCs, and have quite a number of them!! I divided them below based on their universe and respective stories. More are still in the making!
( I also have a Toyhouse, but everything is still a work in progress. )Click on any of my OCs and it'll take you to their profile page.
Some OC pages also contain hidden profiles if you look closely...l e g e n d
pronouns ✦ MBTI ✦ height ✦ age ✦ birthday
✧ General OCs ✧
These OCs don't have one set story attached to them, for the reason that they are made to be flexible with alternate universes and collaborated storylines. Some only have backstories.OCs marked with asterisks are incomplete.
✧ Original Stories ✧
These OCs have a dedicated storyline, each belonging to a specific universe.
The first character of each series listed additionally briefs the premise of the story.
✧ Chiisa ✧

they/she ✦ INxJ ✦ 5'0" ✦ 21 ✦ ???This nerd is my mascot OC!
They're just a lump of all my favorite stuff, and I make a lot of AUs of them. (๑ㅇㅅㅇ๑)An extreme workaholic without looking like it, it's rare to be within Chiisa's presence for more than 10 minutes before they're gone ( unless you're their roommate ). They have the charm and expertise of an extroverted socialite, and the demeanor and tendencies of an analytic recluse. If you're an actual good friend of theirs', it becomes quite obvious that Chiisa is earnest, ambitious, sensitive, withdrawn, and all things in between.Chiisa is part of an alternate universe collaborative project called the Angel / Demon AU!
✧ Miles ✧

any pronouns ✦ ENTP ✦ 5'7" ✦ 19 ✦ 7.24A really smart first-year graduate student, Miles has a knack for thinking up of creative solutions to problems! He loves to have passionate conversations about space, take his moped for a nighttime ride in the city, and work as a part-time barista at a local coffee shop. Musically-inclined as well, he likes composing electronic music in his spare time.For as sociable as he appears to be, Miles struggles with social anxiety and does his best to find balance between people and himself. He is often seen with Vera and Jun ( albeit begrudgingly ), and the three form a friendship trio of sorts.
✧ Jun ✧

they/them ✦ ENTJ ✦ 5'10" ✦ 20 ✦ 5.29Collected and charismatic, Jun is widely known as the extremely intelligent second-year graduate student, and in rival universities with Miles too. They study probability theory with a side interest for game theory as well, and happens to work as a dealer at a renowned casino. When they're not working or researching, they do like to indulge in art and design.Despite their polite exterior, Jun actually has quite a blasé outlook on life and has tendencies to be two-faced.
✧ Vera ✧

she/her ✦ ESFJ ✦ 5'6" ✦ 20 ✦ 8.27Vera is best described as a no-nonsense lady with a keen sense of judgment and practicality. Studying computer science to become a web developer, she's most seen working at the stationary bookshop next to Miles' cafe as befitting of her crafty nature. ( One could even say that graphic design is her passion? ) While she can be very sweet and friendly, her demeanor suddenly switches when speaking for her debate team, dealing with impatient customers, and playing competitive soccer.Her parents died when she was young, so responsibility and independence became second nature to Vera as she had to raise herself and her little sister on her own.
✧ Viola ✧
she/her ✦ INFP ✦ 4'2" ✦ 10 ✦ ???Softspoken and even more so withdrawn, Vera's younger sister seeks to make herself smaller than she already is. She hates to be the center of attention, and socializing with others only causes her anxiety. Due to her estranged case with communication, Viola feels most comfortable speaking in whispers with Vera. Thanks to Miles' friendly nature however, she has slowly opened up to him as well—especially from how much Miles sees himself in her.Viola chose her name as a way of memorializing the instrument Vera once played in their childhood days.
✧ Raine ✧
he/they ✦ ISTJ ✦ 5'5" ✦ 21 ✦ 8.21Known for his brilliant scrutiny and highly analytical mind, Raine has made himself quite the reputation on his university's debate team. It would make sense for him to follow a career path in law, with his short temper only making things even easier. He leads a rather strict and convoluted schedule, and when asked, Raine merely scoffs at how much you can do in 24 hours. Amazingly enough, Vera is the only one who can match his quick-paced lifestyle, and Jun with his logical wits. ( Miles on the other hand... is just kinda there? ¯\( ᐛ )/¯ )Raine and Vera went to the same community college, and only began interacting with each other after becoming debate partners later in university.
✧ Ibuki ✧

she/her ✦ ??? ✦ 5'1" ✦ 14 ✦ 8.20Made from the Fountain Pen Zine! Based on my chosen fountain pen, Sailor × Hachimonjiya Kubozakura Bloom Pink, her design and story is inspired by the Kubozakura tree in Japan.A hardworking third-year middle school student with an earnest devotion for kyūdō, Ibuki never thinks twice and seeks to experience life to the fullest. She also helps her family run a local shrine temple that worships a god residing in an old cherry blossom tree. Although she feels that the shrine hampers her freewheeling spirit, she does so only for her older sister, who works tirelessly as their sole shrine maiden.One fateful night with an evil spirit renders Ibuki's normal bow usesless, leading her to reach for the family's sacred yumi. The yumi, being carved from the wood of the old cherry blossom tree, causes her to undergo a magical transformation in order to purify the spirit. After speaking with the god and accepting their mission, Ibuki now has to juggle the rigor of incoming high school activities with the responsibility of being a magical girl!
✧ Brioche ✧

she/her ✦ ??? ✦ 4'10" ✦ 22 ✦ 11.11From an OC exchange I did with my friend Flan!The Ribbon Knight.
[ See reference for more info. ]
✧ Haruki ✧

he/him ✦ ISFJ ✦ 5'6" ✦ 19 ✦ 1.15Part of a joint OC project with a friend!Haruki is an earnest college student from the countryside who works very hard to become a doctor! For the time being, he moved to the city and landed himself an ambitious job at an acclaimed French restaurant as a waiter, and is quite well-liked there for his charm and politeness. In reality, he's actually a bit awkward, introverted, and secretly harbors a deep-rooted admiration towards idols.
✧ Kon Bun ✧

she/they ✦ ENFJ ✦ 2'10" ✦ ??? ✦ 5.25While known for her tranquil presence, soft demeanor, and multitudes of hug-giving, not much else can be asked from Kon—not even her real name. She adopted a new identity after leaving the searing heat of her homeland, hoping to restart and make herself anew. Simply put: given the state of Eorzea, she finds it her life mission to give more than to take, and provide peace and security where there is none.
✧ Hana Heiðr ✧

she/her ✦ ENTJ ✦ 5'11" ✦ 24 ✦ 12.28Second youngest in her clan with quite the prodigious mind, Hana made herself a name in the Wood as a studious and extremely capable Viera. From various crafting to complicated stratagems, nothing falls short when it comes to her shrewd judgment. As such, she was doted upon by all her older sisters, but her favorite sibling will always be her younger brother.Hana was raised primarily by her sisters since her scholar parents disappeared after the mass exodus of Sharlayan—whom of which were the origin of her bookish nature. Because of this, she has always been curious of the external world, and became the primary motivation of her leaving the Wood for Sharlayan. It was after graduating and boarding a ship to Limsa Lominsa in her adult years that she realized one thing: in her attempt to absorb all information, she herself has fallen short of specializing in anything applicable.Managing life in Eorzea for Hana therefore came to be initially miserable—she failed utterly in just about every class imaginable except for casting; and while she is very strong physically, combat never came to her instinctively until much later. Books have always been her best friend however, and it was only natural that she would soon discover her innate talent for being a disciple of magic. While she still ambitiously prides herself in one day becoming a ”renaissance caster,” Hana will nonetheless relentlessly find herself falling back to reading celestial tomes and accumulating knowledge on universal phenomena. After all, throughout the instability of her upbringing, it was the stars that were her one constant.
✧ Aki Heiðr ✧

he/they ✦ ISFP ✦ 6'1" ✦ 20 ✦ 5.2A meek young Viera with an inclination for the arts, Aki now lives his life in solitude with a constant sneer after disappearing from the Wood. He never wanted to follow the traditional path of the hunt, and its training only jaded him further into permanently severing ties with the Heiðr clan.He is now a renowned huntsman in Eorzea; Aki avoids joining organizations that attempt to recruit him, and he only accepts odd jobs that allow him to show off the skills he once sweat and bled for. While incredibly callous and vain for his appearance, it is all merely a shell to shield the soft and damaged heart that he holds deep inside him.Aki is flexible in any and all DPS classes, but his most favorite lies in wielding guns as a Machinist. However, he does like to revisit his other cherished class in secret: making music and singing along to tunes as a Bard.
✧ Kira ✧

she/her ✦ INFJ ✦ 4'10" ✦ 14 ✦ 6.21Kira is my MP100 espersona!!Prior to becoming a student at Sesame Middle School, Kira awakened her asterokinetic powers. By being able to absorb cosmic energy, she can bend space, manipulate time to an extent, and have some control over cosmic particles. Even with all those abilities however, she has much to learn and practice.She is usually quiet and kept to herself, but befriend her and you'll come to find that she can be quite boyish and charming in her own way.
✧ WIP OC ✧
This is currently a Work In Progress OC!
Please check back later.( You're free to ask questions about this OC though! )